Five Compost Buying Tips

by admin on May 4, 2013

1. Advantages of buying compost

When it comes to compost the first big choice is whether to compost yourself or to buy compost. Of course there is a middle road too where you can compost and buy some if needed as soil conditioner or for potting for instance.

If you are to compost yourself you need a compost heap in your garden. You will need to set some space aside for this and a vessel may help. To ensure the materials break down to compost you need to ensure the mix of materials is right and to make sure the temperature is hot enough to kill the bacteria.

 If you don’t want to the commitment of composting it can be a better option to buy some. You can buy compost from a garden centre and now many councils sell compost cheaply as they have large composting facilities to process the green waste they collect.

 2. What do you need it for?

 Soil conditioner: If you need to revitalise the soil in your garden multi purpose compost is suitable. Even if your soil has a lot of clay in the condition can be improved by adding compost and allowing it to mix in.

Potting: The texture and nutrient balance are important when selecting a potting compost. Some plants need a lot of water to root well and some need more nutrients so make sure to check before choosing the compost.

Grow Bags: Grow bags are ideal for growing vegetables. Because they are in a bag the soil is protected from any diseases. Watering however can sometimes be problematic.

3. Peat or Non- Peat?

Peat is a fantastic base for compost. However, there are a number or problems with peat. Peat is non-renewable and its extraction causes habitat damage to rare peat bog habitats. There have been innovations in non-peat composts with expanded wool fibre and garden waste now being successfully used to replace peat.

4. Where to buy:

You can buy compost from garden centres. It may be worth investigating buying it from the local authority too as many now have large composting facilities and sell the compost cheaply.

5. Buying tips:

Ensure the compost meets your needs. Go peat free if you are concerned about the environment however ensure the replacement is ustainable. Buy local is you want to keep down the carbon footprint. You want fresh compost so make sure the bags are in good condition. Remember you can re-use compost in many instances, just add fertiliser to re-use.

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