Christmas Decorating Made Easy

by admin on December 10, 2012

Let the wonderful array of Christmas decorations available these days help solve even the most difficult decorating problems. If you are trying to jazz up a room that is a bit cold or bland, then rich red shades or golden hues can work well  - gold in particular can quickly brighten up even the dullest of rooms.

Simple tips include transforming a basic scented candle into a real eye-catching  statement piece by sitting it in an attractive hurricane lamp or on a brightly decorated plate. Why not try out one of your favourite silver or gold charger plates?

When it comes to Christmas decor, while we all want our homes to look cosy and welcoming, try not to go too overboard with wreaths and garlands everywhere. Remember, sometimes less really is more. Time and money spent on a beautifully decorated tree and some stunning accessories will help compliment your decor, rather than competing with it.

In addition to the tree, your fireplace, if you have one, should be one of the main focal points of your room, so don’t forget to dress this up with an attractive garland, tinsel or some  beautiful scented candles. Great looks for the fireplace include holly, white berries and ruby red pionsettias.

If you don’t have a fireplace or mantelpiece as so many modern house don’t these days, then you can still create a focal point  by transforming your favourite piece of furniture such as a sideboard or dresser into a festive eye-catcher. Again, some greenery with a few ornaments or baubles will work wonders, complimenting the rest of your rooms decor and working with, and not against, your tree.

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